If you get an error stating you are over your credit you may have:
- Sent more faxes than your plan allows. Usually we have a generous amount of overage you can use but sometimes you send more than you are setup for.
- Have a past due balance that has not been paid.
In most cases it is simple to resolve your credit limit issue. We will walk you through paying your account balance online.
Paying your account balance down.
- Log into https://order.westfax.com with your main login account (or admin account)
- Click the menu option on the top label My Account.
- You will see a screen like this:
- Now click on the Invoices box.It will look like this:
- Select all or the invoices you want to pay. If no invoices are due and you are over your limit just enter an amount in the Pre-Payment Amount box.
- Click Next and you'll see a screen like this:
- Now you can add another card or just click Select and continue to the summary page. You will now see this:
- Click Submit Payment and your account will be credited immediately.
- Note: You may have to login to refresh your portal account with the new balance.
If you have any questions please reach out to us using the contact form below or call 303-299-9329.