Here are a few options for the API Coversheet.

  1. You can roll your own coversheet at API submission time.
  2. You can edit this template and we’ll install it on your account and then you can send variables to populate the coversheet.


First, you’ll need this zip file (Attached). It is a single-page html document. It is self-contained and all images must be inline (base64 – see article herejsFiddle here).


Roll and pre-parse your own coversheet into the API submission job.


This method implies that you will do all the data replacement and pre-parse the coversheet before submitting it. You can use the html template provided and the template fields can be used to replace values such as Subject, To Number, From Number, etc…. You are responsible for all the content. Once you create your one-off coversheet you just make it Files0 in the Fax_SendFax call and it’ll be treated as a page 1 and you are good to go.


Add template to the platform and overload the Fax_SendFax call to reference this coversheet.


In this method you can edit the html coversheet we provide, add your logo, etc… but you will send it to us to load on your account. It will be a “Named” coversheet at that point and you can overload the Fax_SendFax call to use this sheet. I’ve included a primer document that goes into detail on how to reference this coversheet and pass the applicable values to our API so it populates.


Please let us know if you have any further questions, we're happy to help.